再不错过的五月(GB/四爱)_她为稚妓发声,拍了宣传片(微H) 首页

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   她为稚妓发声,拍了宣传片(微H) (第1/7页)

    Leo笑着喘了口气,像是想起了什么,态度突然变得有些正式:”You are brave woman. I still remember you rejected, yelled, and super mad with the scout who invited you to join the adult industry after he saw your promotional photos for Call for a boycott of young prostitution…I admire your brave to shoot such photos and shown your own body to fight against the dark evilness.”




    可她脸上没有丝毫不适,甚至还轻笑了一声,语调轻快得像是在聊一件无关紧要的小事:“Oh, that bastard? He was so disgusting! I still remember how he looked at me, that’s totally unacceptable. But I was not brave, I was just super mad at him.”

    Leo耸耸肩,笑着摇头:“No, no, Lavender, you are brave. You stood up for it, and you let your photos speak for themselves. I remember seeing those pictures for the first time, and I thought—God, she really nailed it. The way you expressed vulnerability, pain, and anger through just your posture and eyes, it was stunning.”

    艾优挑了挑眉,像是有点无奈:“Well, I hope that photo project helped more people realize how cruel the industry is… but you know, some people just see what they 
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