托马斯·哈代诗摘赏析_动荡中的宁静,刹那间的永恒浅析哈代诗作《万国崩溃时》 首页

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   动荡中的宁静,刹那间的永恒浅析哈代诗作《万国崩溃时》 (第1/2页)


    “In Time of ‘The Breaking of Nations’”


    Only a man harrowing clods

    In a slow silent walk

    With an old horse that stumbles and nods

    Half asleep as they stalk.


    Only thin smoke without flame

    From the heaps of couch-grass;

    Yet this will go onward the same

    Though Dynasties pass.


    Yonder a maid and her wight

    Come whispering by:

    War’s annals will cloud into night

    Ere their story die.














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