动荡中的宁静,刹那间的永恒浅析哈代诗作《万国崩溃时》 (第1/2页)
【原文摘抄】 “In Time of ‘The Breaking of Nations’” I Only a man harrowing clods In a slow silent walk With an old horse that stumbles and nods Half asleep as they stalk. II Only thin smoke without flame From the heaps of couch-grass; Yet this will go onward the same Though Dynasties pass. III Yonder a maid and her wight Come whispering by: War’s annals will cloud into night Ere their story die. . 《万国崩溃时》 1 只见庄稼汉扶着犁耙 无声地慢步向前, 他那匹打盹儿的老马 点着头,步履蹒跚。 2 熏肥的草堆不窜明火儿, 只飘着袅袅轻烟; 样样农事都照常要做, 哪管你王朝变迁。 3 姑娘和她的小伙儿走过,